Saturday, November 8, 2014

Week 5 Rose Garcia

Camille Rose Garcia’s artwork was presented in class this week.  Early in my life, I began regularly going to Disneyland.  I had an annual pass from elementary school through High School.  I love the Disney movies, and I still have many of them on video tape.  Rose Garcia’s art reminds me of the fairy-tale like cartoons in Disney movies.  Her work seems to be out of a dream or a fantasy.  I love her use of colors, how she blends them together, making each piece come to life. 
            Rose Garcia’s interpretations of certain princesses caught my attention.  Her gothic-like drawings of Snow White and Alice are compelling.  She changed the expressions on their faces.  For the most part, they do not look happy.  Perhaps Rose Garcia was trying to emphasize an unusual aspect of the princesses that Disney never portrayed.  Every classic princess is excessively happy in the early movies.  It is refreshing to consider the princesses alternatively -- not so happy about their “happily ever afters” and their “once upon a times”.   

Rose Garcia’s pieces stimulate me to want more from the prices stories.  I study her rendition of Alice, and I desire to turn the page and read on because her facial expression created in me a strong curiously.  I desire to discover why she looks unhappy.

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