Thursday, November 27, 2014

Carmen Lomas Garza

One of the images that most interested me from Carmen Lomas Garza is one that Constance Cortez includes in her book, Carmen Lomas Garza, which is titled Cakewalk. Most of Lomas Garza's work revolves around family, community, and culture, and this work really reflects these themes. I really like it because it is a scene de la vida cotidiana of the brown people in her hometown. It depicts the unity of the community which was very important in their movement(s) for social justice and really creates a support system that encourages and calls for success. Lomas Garza declared herself an activist at an early age and this type of environment was crucial in that. Besides the work, I like the actual event that is taking place which is a fundraiser aimed to aid the studies of the brown youth. Events like these reiterate the involvement of the community and the solidarity among the people as if they were all a large family. Lomas Garza's parents are also in the image which reinforces the theme of family- they were very supportive of Lomas Garza and her personal interests from the get go and this is something that many people take for granted. By acknowledging this, Lomas Garza shows us she is grateful and humble which speaks very highly of her as a person. What I also liked is the various scenes that are taking place because it reminds me of my younger days(not that I'm old). The children, which includes Lomas Garza herself, remind me of my childhood when I too would play with the kids on the block. The youngsters doing their thing in the back remind me of my high school days where I was a little less discrete with my 'romantic life'. Overall, just the overall feeling I get where everyone is doing something in a family event just reminds me of the tradition and culture of 'our people'- it makes me feel warm. This picture is awesome for me and there is a lot that goes on in my mind when I see this picture.

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