Saturday, November 29, 2014

Carmen Lomas Garza

Carmen Lomas Garza artwork on traditional and everyday life inspired me to view beauty in daily things. She produces beautiful masterpieces depicting uneventful circumstances but draws from her memory to recreate such events. I think what makes these uneventful landscapes important is the fact that she is remembering the experiences that shaped her.

The piece I admired the most was the Earache Treatment. This art piece reminded me of the remedies I did not have much faith in growing up. I remember my mother doing this treatment as well as another treatment with an egg. When my mother did not know a treatment for something in particular she would call my grandmother or tias. In this piece Carmen Lomas Garza is honoring her mother as a healer. These pieces, similar to her other work validate many traditions and everyday actions as important. I find Carmen Lomas Garza's work as subtly revolutionary due to validation and representation she is provided to younger age groups through her children books and accessibility of her art works. The installations in a housing project also struck me as revolutionary, similar to the murals in Estrada Courts, she is providing accessibility to art in poor areas such as housing projects.

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