Saturday, November 22, 2014

Letter to Laura Molina

Dear Laura Molina,

I was first introduced to your work when my friend and classmate was doing research for her presentation for our Chicana Art class at UCLA. When she told me that the topic of your artwork was about your ex, I became very interested as to why you why would devote so much time to that. In other words, 'what did this guy do?' because it is not surprising to me that a woman would devote so much energy to create something like this. I watched the short film on Naked Dave that you have on your website. I could relate a lot to your tumultous relationship with Dave when you described it as more as a "friendship gone awry." I experienced a similar situation with a relationship that was abusive. I love that you were able to channel so much of your rage and destruction that you experienced because of this relationship into your artwork. I love that so many people are so confused by the fact that you continue to make art about him years later. I have wondered a lot if the pain ever goes away and it's frustrating to have to think about my healing according to other people's convenience. I love that two decades later, you were still making art about an awful relationship that destroyed a big part of yourself. I don't expect everyone to understand that pain. When you lose so much of yourself for another person, I am glad that there is hope to create new parts of yourself through art. To know that we have the ability to grieve and mourn with humor is a wonderful feeling too. Thank you for your art work and for your sharing your pain.

All the best,

Eliana Buenrostro

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