Saturday, December 6, 2014

Chicana Print Makers

This article was very interesting.  It discusses the print making traditions of Chicanas.  One interesting aspect that was discussed was subject matter.  The author makes a point to note that Chicanas do not spend a whole lot of time discussing things like motherhood or romantic love, which may seem counterintuitive to some folks.  I liked this point because I feel that so often when art is created by women identifying individuals it is pigeonholed as cheesy or over romanticized.  I think that Chicana art may work to reject this stereotype intentionally.

One piece that I think relates to this is Ester Hernandez's karate virgin.  It shows la virgen as a woman who is not only a mother but also a strong mujer ready to kick ass!  Of course images like this are always met with horror, shock and often protest.  These images however are not meant to demean Guadalupe, but instead to empower her and in turn empower other Chicanas.  Images such as this one create important dialogue about what it is to be Chicana and the limiting way in which women are often viewed, and sometimes view themselves.  By using familiar icons the message is strengthened and turns a familiar story on its head.

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