Saturday, December 6, 2014

Chicana Printmakers

In her piece about Chicana printmakers, author Molly Barnet-Sanchez discusses the contributions of Chicanas to the movement. These many female artists have contributed to the movement with their symbolic and political art. Barnet-Sanchez discusses such Irene Perez, Linda Romero, Yolanda Lopez, Diane Gamboa, our own professor Alma Lopez, and many more. According to the author these women address many of their struggles and the construction of their identities.Through their art these artists are able to depict issues such as: racism, sexism, classim, homophobia, ethnocentrism, and religious prejudice  (118). Sanchez states that these women have been able to create an image of themselves and of other women of color through their printmaking. Not only are they able to address their own needs, but they are also able to build coalitions with others. One of the pieces that spoke to me the most was the one titled Women's Work is Never Done: Homenaje a Dolores Huerta (1995)done by Yolanda M. Lopez. This piece speaks to me because I think that it depicts the whole other group of people who's demands were not being listened to as much. Women not only have to go to work, but they also have the second shift to worry about. During this second shift they have to take care of their children, cook,and clean their homes. The work of a woman is truly never done.  

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