Saturday, December 6, 2014

Chicana Printmakers

Holly Barnet-Sanchez' essay on Chicana printmakers is significant because she is helping make these artists' work visible. Sanchez discusses the importance of Chicana artists' work in relation to the Chicana/o Movement and other political issues. Their contributions as artists shed light to many issues Chicanas were dealing with before and now. Although they created a political dialogue, their work was not acknowledged. Therefore these women created their own spaces to show their art.

One of the artists who was making prints during this time is Yreina Cervántez. One of her images that I really like is El pueblo chicano con el pueblo centroamericano. In this image Cervántez mixed different iconic images of La Virgen with icons like Rigoberta Menchu and indigenous symbols. I found this image very interesting because she unites the struggles of Central Americans to Chicanas/os, creating solidarity. Since I am from El Salvador I like images like this that unite our experiences to create an awareness of what Latina/o people have survived. 

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