Saturday, December 6, 2014

Patssi Valdez Print Maker

In Document of 20th Century Latin American and Latino Art, Holly Barnet-Sanchez wrote an essay called "Where are the Chicana printmakers?: presence and absence in the work of Chicana artists of the movimiento where she describes how Chicana art from the mid 1970s until the end of the millennium had such a significant impact for Chicanos and Latinos. She describes the discovery of Chicana identity to the world. Barnet-Sanchez describes how "Chicana printmakers also reach beyond the specific needs of Chicano/a communities to build coalitions with others, locally, regionally, and globally" (118).  An example of locally and globally Chicana print art is Patssi Valdez, a Chicana print art artists,  whose art work has been seen from Los Angeles to even in the United Kingdom where the Chicano and Chicana populations are low. Patssi Valdez has local artwork as well displayed in Los Angeles County Museum of Art or better known as LACMA where she shows an exhibition of her artwork with ASCO is displayed. What is most surprising to me is how her artwork was copied and displayed in the United Kingdom by school children in the above photo, which was exactly what Barent-Sanchez was asking of Chicana artists. How there is an issue of sharing the Chicana identity and embracing it, which Patssi Valdez has accomplished through her artwork as a Chicana. Although her artwork may not specifically stand out as Chicana work she symbolizes the politics behind her artwork. Through her artwork it provides a way of better understanding of the Chicana identity and breaking stereotypes about Chicanos opening doors of opportunity for more artists.

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