Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog post 5: Stencil Cover

As a kid, I always enjoyed the holiday Halloween. Whether it was for the scary costumes or the endless amounts of candy, I don't know because I enjoyed both very much. Growing up, I was the one watching all these scary movies, while my cousins would be watching the more age appropriate movies, such as The Lion King. To this day, I enjoy watching horror films; I think that is why I enjoy Halloween so much. For this reason, I have chosen a carved pumpkin as the cover of my sketchbook to symbolize my admiration for Halloween. 

I did not only choose to include a pumpkin as the cover of my sketchbook simply because I enjoy Halloween so much, but also because it is a very nostalgic holiday that brings back a lot of joyous memories with my family. Growing up it was tradition that my family decorate our house as elaborate as possible. My family was always the family that decorated their house the most in our neighborhood. It was always a great time putting the decorations up with the family and spending time together. As many families do, we also carved pumpkins when I was younger. However, I can say my pumpkin carving skills are nowhere near proficient, my stencil is still 100x better.

As shown in the picture, I tried to make my stencil more lively by cutting it more along the sides so it will allow more color to be dispersed around the pumpkin when painted. I simply did not just want the face colored in, I wanted to give my pumpkin a shape to it.  

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