Saturday, October 31, 2015

Book Cover Stencil

I chose to create a stencil of a lotus flower for my journal not because of its simple and delicate design but because of the meaning behind the lotus flower.  To me a lotus flower represents inner peace, and the lily pads and water swirls i placed along with the stencil represent balance.  These elements are important to me because I have a “mind over matter” way of living my life, I prioritize my emotional and mental health over many things in my life that won’t last forever such as material items.  Inner peace is also very important to me because I have a diagnosed mental disorder so many times it’s very difficult for me to find inner peace even though the outside world is at peace.  All types of flowers bring me a feeling of calmness, however the lotus flower appeals to me the most because it floats on water.  I see that as a delicate thing surviving the unseen dangers that lie beneath the water, the flower is floating and now drowning.  I see the flower as someone who has overcame adversity and although they are still vulnerable to danger like all human beings, the flower stays calm and still on the unseen life beneath the water.  Water and lily pads for me signify balance, a balance between ups and downs which are difficult to balance if  you don’t find an outlet to express those ups and downs.  Overall, the stencil just reminds me to center myself in the presence and feel peace within.

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