Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog 7: Laura Aguilar

Grounded Untitled 2007.
This week Julisa Cañada presented on photographer Laura Aguilar. I liked this presentation because of a couple of reason, one being Aguilar’s reason, and the other being the how she positions herself in the photographs. After watching the interview of Aguilar talking about how photography helps her deal with her depression, it touched me. It was sad to hear how she is depressed because she feels no one loves her and she just wants to be touched physically. She feels this way because of her obesity. I do not like seeing people depressed because of the way they look, the color of their skin, and their gender. Watching the interview just made me want to jump through the screen and give her a hug and tell her everything is ok, because whatever you are going through, someone out there is going through something worse. I found her photography interesting also because of the way she places her body with nature to illustrate a natural state. This image that I selected took me awhile to find, but this image was one of my favorite ones because it kind of made me laugh in a way. It was funny to me because of her butt crack is positioned with the trenches in the rocks. It was very interesting that she fused her butt crack with the crack in the rocks. In similarity to the photography Carlee Fernandez that I researched, she makes herself one with nature by wearing a bear suit. Laura Aguilar makes herself one with nature by placing herself in nature (like the rocks).

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