Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 8 Isis Rodriguez

Among the images presented in week 8, “Evolution” by Isis Rodriguez was the most interesting for me. The picture reminded me of description of the evolution developing from monkey to human being. But this image by Isis is different in the sense that a woman turns into less human. As the goal she was going to reach is money, her deterioration can mean that women who aim for money can lose her humane life or beauty. This can be seen as irony about this society where women gained more freedom in public and in their expressions, but they are still like products which can be bought with money. I can relate this image to the problem surrounding women under the society such as prostitution and selling their bodies as exhibition for men. Also I can imagine from the image that women are vulnerable figures who need money even if they sacrifice themselves. But from another perspective, there would be a different way to interpret the image. The woman on the left looks beautiful especially from male view, but as she gets close to more natural form she gets money. This would be able to mean that women can earn money by themselves without trying to look attractive for men. This image is interesting because it asks women how she interprets it and what she wants to be.

1 comment:

  1. Takase,
    I really enjoyed learning about the images from Isis Rodriguez as well, as she gives a voice to the repressed women in the stripping industry, but also expresses how the women become dehumanized when trying to earn money in this fashion. What makes these images powerful too, is the fact that Isis was once in this industry herself.
