Saturday, November 7, 2015

Carmen Lomas Garza - Raspas con Nieve

Raspas con Nieve. Intaglio print by Carmen Lomas Garza (1972).

Before looking at Garza's work, I was not at all familiar with intaglio printing. This image in particular, is one of two intaglio, hand-painted etchings of Raspas con Nieve, from the book Carmen Lomas Garza by Constance Cortez. (p. 34-35) In the etching which is not pictured, she uses watercolor on a light background. I chose this one because it seems to have more intricate details and reminds me of black and white static on old televisions. It appears to have taken place at about the time when those types of TVs were the norm. This scene appears to be that of a quiet, and peaceful narrative in Carmen's memory of an actual ice cream shop.

On the shop's walls are portraits of Jesus, JFK, and Benito Juarez. This adds historical significance to an everyday life scene. The style in which she etched the figures gives the print more child-like quality, setting the mood of the print.

The theme of this print falls in line with Carmen's reoccurring patterns of depicting the importance of family and kinship in regular life. Seemingly mundane activities are highlighted as having the most significance because of who we surround ourselves with. Creating from memories plays a role in how Constance Cortez described Garza's inspiration as well.

Again, this piece along with many of her others, portray Chicano culture as strongly family based. It is a positive portrayal that is brought forefront and highlighted in art. Raspas con Nieve is a form of pop art in that historical figures are included, along with being in a specific time and place. The setting of an ice cream shop gives a normalcy and belonging to American culture for the people in the piece, which represent the Chicano community.

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