Saturday, November 21, 2015

Week 8

The art piece I have chosen to write about is Migration is Beautiful by artist Favianna Rodriguez. I chose this piece because of its relevance to immigration and because I feel it relates very much to my personal narrative, therefore, I wanted to know more about this image.

This piece represents political imagery, it provides the viewer a different view of looking at migration and transformation. This image has been a part of street art, clothing to prints and it reaches audiences on a more emotional level. The image, according to Rodrigues, replaces images of fear with images of shared humanity.

The image emerged as a project in through Opportunity Agenda's Creative Change retreat and before the artist knew it the project/image was widely seen in the United States. The image garnered attention for the migrant rights movement. The image has seen considerable growth nationwide and well as online. The image has also gained considerable attention to celebrities as well as politicians.

However, for the artist, the image was much more than a movement for migration, it was an image capable of changing the way people thought about migration. Instead of thinking about migration as filled with border patrols and fences people will instead think about the simply beautiful monarch butterfly.

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