Saturday, December 5, 2015

Final Blog

Thinking back to the the amount of knowledge I had about Chicana art and artist, compared to now, I can say that I have learned a lot. When we started naming artist names during our first week of class,  I was not able to identify any of the artists during class. After the presentations I can identify most of the artists, not only by their name but by the type of art that they create. Some artists that come into mind is Consuelo Underwood, Carmen Lomas Garza, and  Barbara Carrasco. One of my favorite assignments was the artist research and presentation assignment. I really enjoyed researching Underwood Consuelo, because I was able to gain personal insight and learn the history behind the art that Underwood created. One of my favorite pieces of her's was her road map of flowers over a continent. Overall, this class brought to my attention the importance of counter memory, and chicana art that is informative. All the artist use art as their primary gateway to convey or spread gender, social, and political issues that they have encountered personally. Through their art they are able to show and educate their audiences the importance of unity. I want to personally thank Professor Alma for all the knowledge she gave to me and to this class as whole. It was truly a pleasure and an honor to sit in this class and listen to her educate us about Chicana art and artist.

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