Thursday, February 13, 2020

Week 6: Sketchbook Cover

Image result for kybalion symbol
The image that I will be stenciling on my journal is this sacred geometric shape from the symbol of The Kybalion. The Kybalion is a book that discusses the 7 Hermetic principles of the ancient Hermetic philosophy. These are 7 laws that hermetic philosophers wrote about their interpretation of existence, many are quotes that people follow or know of today including "The Universe is Mental" "As Above, So Below" or "The Measure of the Pendulum Swing to the Left is the Measure of the Pendulum Swing to the Right". This image is very powerful in what it represents and for me, its empowering as well as enlightening. The largest circle in the image represents the universe or what some may know as the heavens, all that is etc. The triangle inside of the big circle represents the spirit world which is in balance with the universe. The square inside of the triangle represents our physical earth, all four corners representing the four elements. Then lastly the circle is us, it is the individual that lies in the center of all that it, of the universe, the ethers and the world. To me this shows that we are a balance of all that exists. This symbol and this book are very significant to me as they enlightened and empowered me during a very trying time in my life and allowed me to realize; what I was put here to do, how I must stay in balance with my spirituality and practicality and, how I am connected to everything and everyone so I must remain a pure and positive vessel to be able to project that unto others. It's helpful that the image itself its already connected with each line so creating a stencil should not be too difficult. Although I am choosing to stencil this particular image I may want to add some details that represent my Chicanidad because although I do find empowerment in this philosophy it is ultimately my identity as a Chicana that has allowed me to have the experience I am having on this physical plane.

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