Thursday, February 13, 2020

week 6 Stencil

For my stencil design, I decided on two hands holding each other, a symbol of solidarity. Solidarity is very important for many of our communities in struggle. Currently, the Wet'suwet'en people in Canada are defending their lands from a pipeline and they're just one example of a community in need of solidarity. So I decided to work on a stencil as a way to highlight the importance of solidarity between various communities. The connections and relationships we build with people are what give us the strength to move forward and continue to do what it is that we're doing. As history has shown us, there has always been some type of solidarity between members of different communities. If we simply focus on the issues in one community  without building connections with other communities , it weakens all of us. The stencil I've chosen symbolizes solidarity, friendships, and connections to each other.

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