Thursday, February 13, 2020

Week 6 Stencil

The stencil I would like to create is a representation of a maverick symbol. This maverick is recognized to be a bird logo but this representation goes far beyond the simple meaning of the maverick. The meaning of the word maverick has the ability to describe a person. One day I was eating food at my friend’s house and her mother began to talk about all kinds of movies and stories. We were there for a couple of hours and she began to ask me questions to kind of figure out the type of person I was of ordinary life. Her mother is a very religious woman and she slipped out that she identified me as a maverick. I never really have been given this distinction before and it was very surprising because she had never met me prior to this interaction. So going home I looked up what the meaning of a maverick was and after reading some context, it was surprising to see a fitting label characterization of who I am. Simply put, a maverick is a person who thinks and acts differently than others. There is this identification of independence among being a maverick. This evidently is true to my life as I have been a more independent person that has not always gone the traditional route of life. So for this stencil, the cover of my book shall be a logo of a maverick that represents me with my mentality and simply overall as a person.

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