Sunday, October 24, 2021

Diaz, Hector (Week 5)


Carmen Lomas Garza, La Feria en Reynosa The Fair at Reynosa, 1987 | Art  Docent Program

While reading the book Carmen Lomas Garza, written by Constance Cortez, an image that resonated with me was La Feria en Reynosa (1987) (pg 4). This image depicts a memory of Carmen when she attended a fair in Reynosa which is a border town. Interestingly, there is cultural hybridity because the fair is in Texas, but the products and celebration are influenced by Mexico too. The image reflects code switching and really resonates with my experience. 

As a Chicano, I have been balancing my Mexican and American identities. The blend of both cultures at the fair is similar to how I have blended them within me. I know how to speak both languages and I enjoy celebrating Mexico’s culture (food, music, shows, etc.) in the US. 

Also, this image reminded me of my trips to Mexico and crossing the border. At the border, it is clear how much influence Mexico’s culture has had and continues to have. I saw people coming to the USA to work and then going back to Mexico afterwards. At border towns, I recall how US currency and pesos were both accepted which appears similar to Carmen’s image. Similarly, I recall observing how LA has major Latinx influence compared to Northern California which is where I live. Thus, this image reminds me how “the border crossed us”, and also how the USA wants the labor and “Latinx” culture but not the people. The fence in the image reminds me of my feelings towards the border because I recall seeing how one side of a border is drastically different than the other. 

I appreciate how Carmen’s perspective highlights a celebration of Mexican culture because historically, it has not always been acknowledged. I appreciate the message and memory depicted in the image because it overall displays how I have grown to see myself and the balance with my identities.

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