Sunday, October 24, 2021

Lopez, Julian (Week 5)

Tamalada y Quinceañera by Carmen Lomas Garza is one of my favorite pieces. It reminds me of the time my family in Tijuana were booked and busy with my cousins' quince. Instead of tamales, mis tias made Birria, and the artwork, Tamalada, portrays a kitchen full of energy and liveness, just like my experience. It shows how efficient and effective it is to be working as a unit, as a family. It shows the beauty of the culture, the family, the color, etc. She is able to provide the viewer with that sense of identity, even familiarity with the small details - el molcajete along with the blue pot with white poke dots, the last supper painting, and even just the placement of the subjects serve as an example. Having this shared experience allows me to get a feel of the environment, a kitchen full of energy and liveliness. Everyone is engaging, everyone is doing something, everyone is active, even the stove, the cooking of these foods are ongoing. The subjects are in middle of these actions - wrapping tamales con carne y masa. 

also has this similar energy, todos se estan gozando, everyone is also doing something. I think they're all arriving, since the quinceañera isn't there herself. La dama en el medio esta corriendo sin zapatos, providing me with a sense of location. I feel like it takes place somewhere in Latin America, it shows how natural and common it is to do such thing. It makes me feel this way because of the placement of her, she's singled out and in the center - the only one with the most action, running while the others are walking or talking. She is able to provide such feelings, tones, energy simply by the color, the placement, and the environments she places these subjects in. 

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