Sunday, October 24, 2021

Lepe, Kimberley (Week 5)

 Carmen Lomas Garza focuses on many familial aspects through her artwork.  She is able to captivate her viewers in a way that makes them feel a part of the scenes she depicts.  The painting that stood out to me was Barbacoa para Cumpleaños (1993) because it reminded me of my own childhood.  In fact, it made it feel like I was in the exact scene. I remember growing up, and even present-day, most of our birthday celebrations involved my tios barbequing carne asada, a piñata hung from the roof of the house, and everyone just speaking and enjoying their time with each other.  It didn't even feel as if it were her painting, but more of an image from my own thoughts and memories.  

The painting depicts numerous individuals in the backyard, or perhaps front yard of a one story house.  This house reminds me of my grandmothers, and all the celebrations that we held there.  People re gather around the little girl hitting the piñata, meanwhile two men are prepping the grill.  This is typically my uncles and dad getting all the meat together for everyone, meanwhile my tías and mom are gathering all the side dishes from inside.  I think this image is so dear to me because I have photos of all of us in this exact scene.  I think that this is very indicative of the artist's style.  Her ability to incorporate movement, family, and even her culture through one piece truly depicts Garza as an artist.  Though all her paintings are beautiful, this one is just home. 

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