Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sabanero, Angela (Wk.5 Carmen Lomas Garza)


    One particular etching that stood out to me was Curandera II created by Carmen Lomas Garza in 1979. It stood out because of how instantly relatable it felt. In the book Carmen Lomas Garza by Constance Cortez, the image is not in color as it is here and I think that ironically, that made it stand out to me even more. The reason for its relatability is that my family places a similar importance and belief in the healing power of herbs like "ruda" or savila. Another unique quality of this image in the book is that it is mainly a brown tint with specific areas of the painting that receive color such as the flowers around the blanket. This helps to place an emphasis on the relationship between the woman lying in bed and the curandera who is aiding her on the side of the bed. This relationship brings a sense of comfort. In this image, the curandera is using ruda to cleanse the woman and help her moving forward. Although it is not the same situation, I see my mom as my own personal curandera and so I relate to this intimate relationship between the two. Similar to the curandera, my mom is always the one to find any and every way to help heal me whether it be mentally or physically. 

    The room setting in this image is also very detailed. These seemingly unimportant details are what further helped me to relate to this image. Were I to be sick, my moms room was where I would retreat to. Her room also had the cross hanging, an image of the Virgin Mary somewhere in the room, along with her fuzzy pantunflas and a sewing machine at the ready. 

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