Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Celia Herrera Rodrigruez

Celia Herrera Rodrigruez

Honestly, I know very few to almost none Chicana artist. So from the list provided, I chose to do research and present on Celia Herrera Rodriguez because it was very intreging going on her website and seeing that next to her name it said "Xicana Odami". I, of course, looked up Odami and found out it is in fact a indigenous cultural group also referred to as "Tepehuanes del Norte". I'll be curious to find out about the world views of the Odami, as much as I can understand of their ways given my inherent subjectivity. Mainly, it will be interesting to see how Celia Herrera Rodriguez negotiates her Xicana identity and indegenous identity through her artwork.

Celia’s produces the installation style of artwork. I assume she might create other artworks that are expressed through different mediums, but her primary mode being that of installations interest me most. Maybe it’s my performance background that leads me to believe that installations have a greater presence and thus, a strong performance when being displayed. It’s three-dimensionality which forces to viewer to interact even if by just going walking around it instead of staring directly at the art from a frontal perspective only.

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