Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"Im With My Nanny" by Laura Alvarez Analysis

“I’m With My Nanny”, Laura Alvarez is a painting that she made in 1999.  This painting refers to the Latina nannies that take care of white children, both from different worlds.  The little boy is wearing a red one piece that says “I’m with my nanny”. I guess the piece provokes the idea that he is always with his nanny, resembling that his nanny is more of a mother to him than his birth mother.  The clicking bombs could resemble the tension that the little boy has with his biological mother, a distant relationship due to the fact that he was cared for by his nanny.  Looks like they both are running away from a bomb, bomb could be the mother’s and father’s secret affairs that became exposed thus metaphorically exploding their relationship.  So the nanny is protecting him from the pain of his parents drama.  There is a girl on the nanny’s apron, she is praying and has a sun veil around her similar to the one that La Virgen De Guadalupe has.  This could convey that the nanny is a mother figure to the child being that the girl is similar in the position and the appearance of La Virgen.  Beneath the girl’s feet are snakes, which could represent fear, or divinity.  Fear for the danger of the bombs, which is probably why the girl is praying.  Divinity could also be used to describe the snakes because the girl is praying to her divine figure of protection.  All together the painting could convey the message of the Nanny being a superhero, she is protecting the child from danger.  Just like people in cartoons admires superheroes, the child admires the nanny as a mother figure.  The mother figure is imposed by the Virgen De Guadalupe looking girl on apron.

1 comment:

  1. I really loved how you created a story with the images in the painting! I agree that the nanny seems like she is the superhero and is saving the boy from danger. The connection that you made with the nanny being the mother to the boy like the Virgen de Guadalupe is something that I would've never thought about so it was really interesting. Overall, I am glad that I stopped to read your blog post!(:
