Saturday, November 14, 2015

Blog Post: Week 7

I chose to talk about the artist Graciela Iturbide and her piece titled Cholas. This piece really stood out to me because of the way the individuals in the picture decided to present themselves. The piece contains four women and a baby, and the women are throwing gang signs in front of wall with three icons. The presenter explained that the artist who took the picture allowed them to pose however they felt like and wherever they wanted to, and they decided to pose in a very confident way. The women in the picture pose in a very proud and poised manner, I feel that they don’t care how anyone looks at them. They are proud of who they are, and they want the viewer to know that. I also remember the presenter mention that the women in the picture did not know who the figures on the wall were. However, to the women it didn’t matter who the men on the wall were, it is about them and them showing the viewer who they are and the gang they are apart of. I feel that this image demonstrates the empowerment of these women because they decided to pose in a manner that they felt comfortable with and in front of a wall that was iconic, yet they did not know the individuals on the wall but it doesn’t matter because it is about them and nothing else. Graciela allowed them to present themselves how they pleased and through that she allowed us to experience a small portion of the lives of these women.

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