The women of discord for Mexica people
were important aspects of indigenous origin stories, and explanations of
political elite male dominance. “However, the Chicana, and U.S. Mexicana oral,
written, and artistic refigurings of the four cultural symbols can be read as
late-twentieth-and-early-twenty-first-century disruptions of national,
patriarchal, and colonial rule”(Blake 14). These four prolific female cultural
symbols exhibit the devaluation of femininity as they are made out to be either
bloodthirsty(Mexica Goddesses), disloyal(La Malinche), insane(La Llorona), or
ideally silent(La Virgen de Guadalupe). Meanwhile, there is no shortage in
cultural memory of male heroes to idolize. By recasting these important women, Chicana and U.S Mexicana artists are redesigning how women are socialized to
behave. When artists expand the constrictive ideologies associated with femininity, they
are creating space for themselves where there was none before.

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