Saturday, February 15, 2020


All my life I have valued my family. I was born into my family like the baby of 4 girls. I started rebelling when I was 16 and ended up in prison at 22 years old. I thought my life was over and slowly my family started to drift away. I questioned myself and my life for so many years. When I was released from prison, I knew that I wanted to use my mistakes to help others before they went down the same bad path. Now, I have a family of my own. I decided to draw my stencil of a family tree. The family tree represents my family life. From the beginning of my life to the present. My life revolves around having my family and needing my family.
The tree is me and the branches are the family members that have been and are in my life. For me, the falling leaves represent the mistakes and chapters that have been in my life. Before I was a mother, I was an addict and was not living my life to the fullest. I was homeless for 2 years because I would rather be out and up to no good instead of at home. When I became a mother, my whole life changed. I learned how to love myself because I loved what I had created. I am a mother of 3 beautiful daughters and they mean the world to me. I owe my complete transformation to them. So now I dedicate this stencil to them by drawing the family

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