Monday, February 24, 2020

Camille Mohsenin Week 8

Melissa Depaz was one artist who stood out to me during the presentations. I immediately was drawn to her interesting style of artwork, bright colors, and cultural significance. First, I love that it's somewhat challenging to decipher which medium she is working in. She is a mixed media artist, but specific pieces, like the one below, is so intriguing because it's hard to tell if its paint, digital, or printmaking. I suspect its a mixture of many different forms of artwork. Additionally, there are such bright colors throughout the painting that it is enjoyable to look at and each different part pulls the viewer in. In this image in particular, I love that the sky is painted different shades of blue in a blocking format. Lastly, Depaz is from Compton and regularly uses it as a background for her artwork or somehow integrates it into the work. I appreciate this so much because I think it's important to be aware of your community and include them in future success that you may have. In addition, it is clear that Compton has fully shaped her as a person so it's great to see that her art is shaped by it as well. The cultural modifiers of the image: Dale's Donuts, I710, Patria coffee, and others are key symbols that represent her background and community.

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