Monday, February 24, 2020

Week 8: Monica Kim Garza Reaction

The artist that left an impression on me from week 7’s presentations was Monica Kim Garza. I appreciated all the artists that were on display during class but Garza stood out to me because she was purely individual in her art and her approach stemmed from pure fun and wonderment. I like that not all Chicano/a/x art has to be politically driven, since we live in such a political driven world already, I think it's nice to separate oneself from the norm once in a while and seeing Garza’s art was refreshing along with the attitude of the presenter, Koryn Gomez, that perfectly matched the artist. I like that Garza’s art seems to feature herself in everyday situations or day dream like situations; in HYMFR or (Hell Yeah Motherfuckin Right, 2016.) Garza illustrates herself on a big pink banana floatie with coconuts off the end, stranded in the ocean drifting away but the three Garza’s just seem to be having a good time regardless, maybe they were just hanging out near their private yacht like the presenter mentioned? Or maybe they're waiting for someone to bump into them and join the party? The possibilities are endless, and prove to show the imagination the art inspires. The depictions give me a sense of freedom, playfulness, and spontaneity, even in the artwork where Garza lays in a dark room laying on a bed with the Virgin of Guadalupe in the background I can't help but feel that she hadn't a care in the world. I think the art world has room for all types of art, but I believe that care free, fun art that Garza displays should be a larger category.

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