Monday, February 24, 2020

Families Belong Together Series (2019)

The artist from the Week 7 presentations that stood out to me the most was Natalia Anciso. This was the first artist presented, and I immediately pulled out my phone so that I could save a link to her website. I was afraid that I would forget the name if I waited any longer. The three images shared by classmate, Joan, really caught my eye. The contrasting black and white drawings of human figures against the colorful non-human parts of the pieces created something really beautiful and emotional. The picture the presentation showed from the artist's Flora and Fauna series was really something. The bright colors of the flowers growing out of the seemingly deceased body was made even more powerful with the addition of the border patrol agent walking over the body and looking down on it. The other one that really moved me, was from the Families Belong Together series. Again the artist used mostly black and white human figures against bright strips of colors. The emotion on the faces do not match the cheerful colors that almost appear to be highlighting and separating the family members from each other.

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