Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Week 8 Post

The art piece that really stood out to me from last week's presentation was the piece Selena by Santa Barraza. The first thing that caught my attention was the angelic halo around her image. I believe Santa Barraza was depicting Selena as a prominent female figure the way La Virgen is in hispanic culture. Selena was a very loved Mexican American artist and well known for her music. In this image, Selena seems to be emerging from the ocean which gives a majestic vibe. She has beautiful plants and flowers on her blouse and that is symbolic to Mother Nature. There's also a hummingbird that is feeding from the plants on the blouse which also gives her a nurturing image. I believed this image was tailored more to religion because of the footprints in the right corner of the image reflects the Footprints in the Sand poem. I wasn't sure if Santa Barraza intended for the image to have a religious connotation but because I myself am religious I might have looked out for it. Regardless it is a beautiful depiction of Selena.


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