Monday, February 10, 2020

Carmen Lomas Garza 

Out of the all the prices of artwork created by Carmen lomas Garza the one image that I may resonate the most with is titled ‘Barbacoa para Cumpleanos’. This image depicts a birthday celebration of Carmen Garza’s sister with all of her family and friends. In the back background the papel picado sets the scene of the cultures environment. Even more so, her sister being blind folded and hitting the piñata with the stick with everyone watching depicted a prime example of how those of Mexican descent celebrate birthday parties in the United States. This scene captured by Garza hits home on a familial aspect. This image captures and resembles a very similar way my family celebrates birthday parties for the younger children amongst my family. The one aspect that I miss the most being blind folded and swinging the stick to break the piñata. Similarly the barbecue being cooked is something we would always do during a birthday celebration to feed the great amount of people that were invited. This image resonates to a personal level that brings back the essence of home and family. With everyone coming together as family for a celebration is ultimately what resembles the family tradition. Having the cake, the piñata. and the papel picado all ties together this great family tradition. 

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