Sunday, February 23, 2020

Quinceanera Loma Garza- W5

The art piece is known as Quinceanera by Carmen Loma Garza illustrates a very commonly celebrated Mexican tradition that encompasses the transformation of a young girl into her women's hood. Important components that construct a successful Quinceanera compose of a church ceremony in which the young girl shows her gratitude to her divine power, a huge event/ party as a form of thanking those who help her celebrate as well as her traditional dances in which the young girl demonstrates her talents typically through dances. Garza, however, specifically focuses on one component of this important day for a young woman by truly illuminating the focal moment leading up to or after the church ceremony. I believe this picture documents the various stages a young woman goes through on her special day by placing fifteen Quinceanera actively moving throughout the image. I was able to identify every scenario in the image as a result of being a male escort, chambellan, of the Quinceanera. I think this image conveys the message of beauty and stress which ultimately it true for most of these girls and it is perfectly depicted by the Quenceanera running across the front of the church without her shoes or heels. Furthermore, though I was able empathies to this picture on a deeper understanding because I had my own. Yes, I was a male who had Quinceanera and followed through all the same steps of a traditional Quince celebration. Though it started off as a joke, the end result was more than I even expected to make it such an interesting day. I as well endured all the struggles and wonderful moments of this tradition and can first hand testify to the exact validity of Carmen Lomas Garza’s art image.

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