Monday, February 24, 2020

Stencil Cxxkiez- W6

The inspiration fueling my stencil design derived from my assigned birth name of Jorge Guerra which was given to me by my grandfather and my uncles in Mexico. A very popular and commonly used name that most families considered and used when a new baby is born. Moreover, my name comes with many apodosor/ nicknames that been past down through many generations and continue to this day. Thus, the nickname that I was given from a young age goes by the name of “Cookies” comes from the word coco. Coco is a very common given nickname to children with the name Jorge however, my family got creative with the name my calling Cookies. Anyways, my stencil design incorporates name nickname cookies in graffiti because it’s a name that has been part of my identity. It’s part of most of my social media platforms and various other parts of my life. However, though my name is cookies and I answer by this name most often than not around my family. Using this as part of my cover will allow me to incorporate my family and relatives who gave honor to this name that’s been carried out through generations. I will use this name with roses to create a logo for who I am and what I enjoy.  I will also be using Cxxkiez, my own version of Cookies, to cover the front of my book with roses in a very strategic way to create my cover. The reasoning behind choosing roses is that my mother’s name is Rosa and it just happens to be a coincidence that she loves roses of all sorts of colors. When use my stencil to mark my design on the cover I will be making all the roses a different color while keeping the lettering white.  

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