Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week 3: Yolanda Lopez "Walking Guadalupe of 1978"

Image result for yolanda lopez artYolanda Lopez is a great Chicana artist. Through her work, she was able to become an inspiration to other chicanx artists and uplift the chicanx community. In this post, I am going to be writing about "Waking Guadalupe of 1978" which to me, is probably my favorite from all of her works. It is honestly simple yet it states a lot.  From the head to the waist, she drew the original image anyone can find at any catholic church; a humble virgen de guadalupe. She his wearing the original garments that were originally painted. The image itself seems old and outdated and she still seemed stiff and unable to move. What Yolanda Lopez decided to do in order for Guadalupe to come alive is she added feet to the image. What captivated me the most about this art piece is how Yolanda was capable of making the Virgen de Guadalupe free; free from another individuals perspective on what people might think about her. Guadalupe seems comfortable and finally able to move from those heavy, traditional and cultural clothing she was wearing. She looks able to pull up to church if she really wanted to. Here, she is no longer just a symbol to other people, she seems to be able to care about herself and only about herself. Lastly, it looks like Yolanda painted her walking somewhere. It could be church or maybe she wanted to go get some tacos from that food truck she saw earlier.  The most important thing is that she realizes that she is free and able to take control of who she is. Proud of her!

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