Monday, February 10, 2020

Week 5 - Carmen Lomas Garza

Image result for sandia carmen lomas garza
Carmen Loma Garza completes work that is able to document the beauty of her cultural community. Her art is a form of remembering for her community in which is able to vividly describe the events that took place in her community. One of her art works that I throughly enjoyed seeing is Sandia (1986) from her Peadacito de Mi Corazón series. I really like this piece because it basically has everything I like about her art in one piece. This zoomed in picture creates a nostalgia sensation in my opinion because my family enjoys eating watermelon as a family together. In the zoomed out version her family is outside enjoying the fruit together as they all do different things to pass the time outside. The zoomed in version gives me more nostalgia because the father is cutting the fruit that brings the family together. In my family it is my mom that usually does that as she tells us stories about her past or about her day. Basically, this piece creates a sensation of unity with just the fruit alone. Garza's art is meant to be a form of documentation, so her focusing onto one of her images where there is so much going on, she reveals the reason for her art, for the unity and documentation of her culture. She is able to create art that allows for an audience that may not be a part of her direct community to emotionally connect to the piece by being able to understand the importance of her art.

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