Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 8 - Jeaneen Carlino reflection

Jeaneen Carlino was one of the artist that really captured my attention during the presentation. I think it was her style in which most of the cholas she creates have distinct appearances but still have some quality that is identifiably Jeaneen. The first particular piece was not on the presentation but when compared to the one that was in the presentation, it is easy to tell that these cholas are different depictions of the same person. Her style is such an amazing thing to look at and it is very cool seeing intriguing art with a message. She is such a talented artist that is able to create art for Chicana women. I included this image that wasn't in the presentation because personally I liked the stencil a lot because it reminded me of a coloring book where I would imagine or want to color it in myself and I thought that this is what Jeaneen was trying to do, create a stencil that people can replicate and color in themselves to create their own message at their own content.
MonaWomb of Man

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