Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 8 post

Of all the speeches, the one that impressed me the most was the artist who is named Sienna Gonzalez, She tends to use bright colours in her work. For example,I like her work that is titled Self-Portraitand, the style that she draw herself is extremely attract my attention and her outfit is so cute in this work.  Although she used many bright colors in this work, each color is very comfortable to blend together, not at all abrupt. I think her way to use colour creates her own style. Beside the character, she also tends to include brids and butterfly in her work.  She drew a picture of a bird in a cage struggling to escape in the position of her heart and two birds is crying. It is evident that she tries to explain she felt like a bird in a cage, imprisoned and unable to fly. All in all, I like her way that she bold use of bright color and the way she paints to express herself. In addition, I also like the layout of her painting very much. I think there are many contents and characters in the painting, but the layout of the author makes the audience understand the central idea of the painting at once, which I think is not easy. Finally, her painting style really attracts me. I hope Gonzalez can make great achievements in art in the future

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