Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 8

It was very interesting to learn about all the different painters and public artists last week, especially because a lot of the artists were new to me which allowed me to enjoy all the different styles of art there was. The artist that really captured my attention was Liliana Navarro, her work was so eye catching and really beautiful. Each art piece we looked at in class was really bright and really brought to life the subjects. My favorite piece was the one of Juan Gabriel because the design was simple yet very detailed. The pink and the roses that surrounded Juan Gabriel were different from other art pieces I have seen of him. I would definitely buy a version of this piece because of its simplicity to really represent Juan Gabriel as we all remember him. After seeing her art in class I wanted to see more of Liliana's work so I looked her up on Instagram to learn more about her. I really enjoyed seeing all the work she has created and seeing the creative process she goes through when creating them. It has really allowed me to see every step she takes to create the final art piece which lets me appreciate her work even more. I would recommend looking at the other art she has created because it is just as beautiful as the ones we saw in class. This is definitely an artist that I would share with my friends, I know they would also love it. I hope to learn of even more artists in the next few lectures to really get to appreciate more Chicana artists. 

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