Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 8 Jeaneen Carlino

I really liked Whispers presentation on Jeaneen Carlino. I like that Jeaneen's drawings are stylized and her use of color is eye catching. I hadn't come across her work before and after seeing it I look forward to buying some prints in the future.  Her art journey is really inspiring in that she wasn't discouraged in continuing with her own art outside of her projects at Trader Joe's. I use to draw a lot when I was in high school but found it hard to keep up with it as I continued with my education and started working. There is no doubt that art is something she is incredibly passionate about. I love the fact that she is a Los Angeles native and prospering as an artist. There are so many outsider artists that come to Los Angeles ands it's awesome to see one of our own gaining recognition. 

Most of the subjects in Jeaneen's art are women. From Whisper's presentation she said that Jeaneen had a Chola series that was inspired from her cousins. It's cool to see artists paying homage to the women in their family. I think that often times it is up to us to create and push representation for our family and community when there is a clear negligence from mainstream media to showcase the diversity that exists. Social media has served as an amazing platforms for artists to put their art out there and to sell it (it is a great way to start).

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