Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 8: Presentation Reflection

There was a lot of really amazing artist presented last Friday, but a couple resonated the most with me.  Monica Kim Garza and Pola Lopez's pieces were beautiful for many similar and different reasons. Garza questions the traditional beauty standards of the world and depicts women that don't follow that thin white model that walks down the runway. The mown in her pieces are of all body sizes and skin tones. They are not covering their bodies and don't seem to be ashamed of it either. They are literally having fun in their own skin without showcasing what makes them feel and look beautiful. It is that carefree vibe that I absolutely love. The other artist I loved was Pola Lopez because of her use of color. She definitely is trying to emit emotion through her paintings. In particular, The Chamaleon was beautiful because of the different textures she used to depict the chameleon. The women's lips are so vibrant it captures your attention because it seems like she's puckering her lips to kiss the chameleon. Both of these artists are truly amazing and their work speaks to a lot of Chicanas out there trying to connect to the world. 
Image result for pola lopezImage result for monica kim garza

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