Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week 8: Monica Kim Garza

The artist that stood out to me during the presentations last week was Monica Kim Garza. The reason Kim Garza stood out to me was because she seemed like such a free spirit and you could tell from her art that she lives her life to please herself and only herself. In her art the figures she paints are a portrayal of herself, this proves how comfortable she is with her own image. Through her art Kim Garza is able to reclaim the freedom of women and their bodies. Further beyond her art I learned that Kim Garza is of Korean and Mexican Descent, and also she is a child of immigrant parents. One of her pieces that I really liked after looking into her more is a piece she calls Sex With Me So Amazing (2017). The reason this stood out to me was because this proves she is very unapologetically herself in very artwork she can. There is a sort of empowerment that Kim Garza shows within her artwork that attracts me and makes me feel empowered.

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