Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week 8

An artist that stood out to me during class presentations last week was Monica Kim Garza. She stood out to me because her art was so explicit and different than everything I had ever seen before. Within Latino culture most of the younger generation come from very conservative and traditional parents so nudity, sexualization, and self-expression becomes very hard to express. Monica Kim Garza’s art breaks all of these barriers and norms. Which is something that I appreciate and enjoyed seeing. 
More so, within her art, the women she depicts are different than what is seen in typical high-end classical art. These women are voluptuous and have darker/tanner skin that break the Eurocentric beauty standards of being skinny and white. The bodies she depicts are of more realistic looking women because, as mentioned in the presentation, these women are the type of women she was used to seeing when growing up.  
The painting that I enjoyed the most was (I cannot find the name anywhere online) the one where a woman is laying on a bed with her back arched watching something on her laptop with her phone next to her and with La Virgen de Guadalupe on the wall. I liked this one because of the different textures she used like velvet and glitter. Additionally, this picture is something that I can picture myself doing like laying down in a weird position watching tv on a Friday night and La Virgen in the back with my cat in the room. This picture is also powerful though because it breaks the gender norm of how women should be (calm, boring, modest) where in reality they can do whatever they want. 


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