Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Week 8: Presentation Reflection

I thought all of the artists that were presented on all had very interesting and powerful messages or perspectives. One of my favorite artists we learned about was Consuelo Jiminez Underwood. I had never seen textile work like that and thought it added a very particular type of dimension. The materials she used for her textiles all were specifically chosen to convey a particular emotion  about her subjects and had significance not only visually but conceptually. In addition to the thoughtfulness and importance of her messages, the pieces were also very visually stunning and showed strong craftsmanship. 
The other artist I thought was particularly memorable was Natalia Anciso and her pieces about the forced separations at the border and immigration at the border. In the pieces we looked atg, she always drew the subjects of her paintings in black and white with very emotive and powerful realistic emotions shown on the faces. I think her work is very important in showing the pain and destruction caused by border politics and can evoke a common sense of separation anxiety and pain for those who are particularly separated from the issue creating empathy and perhaps more social action. 

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