Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week 8: Presentation, Santa Barraza

During the presentations last Friday, Santa Barraza's work really stood out to me. 
Her use of vibrant colors, makes it so that the viewer cannot look away. The use of 
greens, blues, reds, and yellows also create this sense of cohesion, truly solidifying 
the messages within her pieces. When she uses these vibrant colors, she is forcing the
audience to really pay attention to the women she is painting about. These women 
are truly the focal point. The way Santa Barraza positions Selena in this piece is 
important,because she is marking her as the dominant figure. Selena's facial expression
is also very in control and aware of who she is. In this piece, there is a sense of fierceness
that is shown through the reds, her facial expression, and the positioning. However, I 
also feel a sense of sadness looking at this piece. While there are no harsh indicators of 
loss, you still somehow get that. The blues, the wind, the sort of weeping tree portray
this sense of loss. It's only until you look further and harder at the piece, that you realize 
that Santa painted in a halo to pay Selena tribute. When you look further at the piece, you 
can see the way the cloud forms a cross and some doves. Santa's artistry is immensely
thoughtful and honest. I had not been exposed to her work, but seeing it reminded me of 
how all the little details come a long way, when telling a story.  

Image result for santa barraza

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