Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Week 8: Sienna Gonzales

One artist from the presentations that I found interesting was Sienna Gonzalez. I like the details and the vibrancy of the colors in her work. The fact that she includes birds in her pieces because she likes how differently she can draw them each time is interesting too. I was very interested by the different themes that she explores, like healing, self love, and social justice, and how her imagery evokes different feelings.

The particular piece that caught my attention was Sweet Birds (2019). The little bird is supposed to be her in the past, while the bigger is her now. I like how fantastical her illustration is and the warm color tones in the piece. I like that it is supposed to represent how Sienna has grown. Moreover, it symbolizes her self love and self compassion towards herself over the years. The little details are the ones that draw me in. The name tag that says "Growth", the different jewelry pieces she wears, her gloves, the hat she wears and how it has a hole at the top, and the flower that looks like a bird in the background. The feelings that it evokes are warmth, vulnerability, and self respect. Sienna shows how she is proud of her past self for all that she went through, while her past self tells her she loves her because she knows that the road to get to where she is won't be easy. Overall, Sienna Gonzales's Sweet Birds was a favorite of mine because I liked the message, colors, and details that she depicted.

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