Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Presentation Artist Post

The artist from the presentations which stuck the most with me wac Monica Kim Garza the painter who was born in 1988. She was presented by Koryn Gomez and I think the reason this artist stuck with me was how she presented on the artist and really stood out with the fun nature of the works and I just felt like it was cool to have an artist who was just painting what she wanted, and making fun works and this is something which I sometimes forget is an option. When I consider art I get so entrapped within the notion of how a piece is meant to be understood, its context and history, the meaning behind it that I can see and the meaning which the artist feels, and its intended and actual impact. I get caught up situating works within a landscape of comparisons and sometimes I forget its not really necessary. This collection was sort of a breath of fresh air because it was important and held meaning of course, but also contained a more fun attitude and it was refreshing to see and remind myself that art can hold a multitude of different meanings and that it is sometimes just looking at the piece before trying to impose ideas that can be interesting. In all honesty I do not entirely remember if this painting was shown in class as one of the three selected but when looking through her collection of works online, this one was my favorite. It is for sale through a gallery in Copenhagen and is titled Tennis. It was made in 2019 by silkscreen print and is an edition of 30. We have seen art in class before that is part of a printed collection, making it more accessible to buyers and more quantity wise, so I enjoy seeing prints of things. This one is for sale for $330.

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