Tuesday, February 25, 2020

week 8 :Natalia Anciso

The artist that really made an impression on me was Natalia Anciso and her ability to make beautiful pieces from embroidery. What really caught my attention was the use of black and white tones when drawing people, but including some color through other subjects in her piece. This contrast between the color and the black and white allows me to draw my attention to one aspect of the piece at a time. My eyes immediately went to the black and white drawings because of how detailed they were and I found that the lack of color added a sense of urgency and seriousness to her work.
  I was also impacted by her pieces made on immigration due to it being an issue that really affects our communities. The facial expressions she drew on the families holding each other were so intense and she was able to capture the pain that is felt by so many families. There was sadness in her pieces and I think she was able to display this particular emotion very well.

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