Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2020 Olsen, Eric : Week 8- Isis Rodriguez

I really enjoyed learning about the artist Isis Rodriguez and her surrealist paintings of Indigenous ceremonies and luchadoras. Before class on Friday, I had never seen a very soft, beautifully rendered painting of a luchadora before- one that showed a female fighter tenderly holding a small child in her arms. This piece stitches together strength, softness, and rage to form a positive representation of Chicana identity and motherhood which is something that was very striking and stood out to me. I noticed a lot of similarities between this work and the paintings of chola mothers because both radiated this enveloping sense of protection and love that pulled me in. Her paintings of Indigenous traditions were very intentional and layered with ancient symbolism which again added a deeper, translating sense of personal connection and strength to each piece, like her other works.

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