Wednesday, February 26, 2020

week 8

The artist from the presentations last week that caught my attention was Moncia Kim Garza. What I liked about her art was what the presenter Koryn Gomez said, her carefree spirit. Her art was not political and it shows women that are not necessarily seen as the beauty standard in society. Coming from a severely religious household, I was taught that I can not show off my body and all the stuff that comes with it. So the carefreeness of Monica Garza's prints are a breath of fresh air. It makes me feel that I can also have the that same attitude. I also like how today there is a fight for women to reclaim their bodies when they have been shamed for their sexuality and Garza's art shows the fighting back. Her art work is very empowering. I also liked how in each piece the women are doing every day activities and are owning it having so much fun. Also I liked the colors that are used in her work and the way they are painted with the brushstrokes and the different textures. The art piece I liked the most was this one, it was not one that the presenter talked about. The grass is made with paper and the sand and what I assume to be water has some paint that is not flat. There is a lot to look at.


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